Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Where have we been? :)

So its been a while since I posted an update about Ethan...and to tell you the truth I just haven't had the energy to write everything. Ethan is still in the hospital...clinically he is doing awesome. We took him in for tummy issues and they finally figured it out about 2 weeks ago. He had the surgery, the inflammation went down and he has been gaining weight and tolerating his feeds. So that part is fixed!

During that tummy surgery they had to externalize the shunt to give his tummy some rest...during that they started to notice that his head was absorbing alot of the fluid by itself. Which is really good! So they wanted to keep him there to see if he can do it on his own. Which was fine by shunt is a miracle. They have never seen a baby not become dependent on the shunt. Well while we were waiting, his routine blood work/csf work started to come back a little abnormal. He was doing fine...smiling, alert and doing everything a baby does but those numbers were still not coming back normal. They couldn't figure it out! Ugh it was so frustrating. Well they just figured it out...he has an infection. Kind of a rare one for his age group.
The treatment is kind of long(medicine) but thankfully it can be finished at home. We are just waiting for them to see where the infection is in his body, they have to treat it a bit at the hospital and then we will know if he can do well without the shunt. Their goal is have him home to us by Christmas...please PRAY that this happens...please please please :)

He is doing well...if they were not running labs on him we wouldn't have known. He doesn't act like he has an infection at all!

Hope all that makes sense...I'm a little tired.


  1. Thanks for the update Aimee. You guys are always in our prayers... always! Sending lots of love & prayers that Ethan will be home by Christmas.

  2. awww thinking of you guys always. I hope he is home and healthy for you by Christmas. XO!

  3. lots & lots of prayers coming your way! I hope your lil miracle is home very soon!! hugs!!

  4. Thinking of you guys and praying your sweet man is home for Christmas!


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