Sunday, July 25, 2010

A couple pictures of Ethan

Ethan is now off the CPAP and on a nasal canula which meant I was able to hold him last night (and today too). The first time since before his surgery at the beginning of July. Its been way to long and it felt so good to hold him again! Here are a couple pictures.

Okay so disregard the super closeup of my face but I love this picture of me holding him. You can kind of see how small he is.

And I had to take this picture...he loves sleeping with his arms up. You also get to see how many little wires and things that he is hooked up to. :( It looks scarier then it is though. Nasal canula around his face and up his nose, feeding tube in his mouth, the four sticker things on his chest are to monitor his vitals and temp and the stuff by his arm is his PIC line (an IV that can stay in longer)

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