Our little man has finally reached 4 pounds! When he was born he weighed 3 lbs 8 oz and obviously like every new little one he lost some weight at the start. ( I think lowest weight was 3lbs 3 oz) With a preemie its real hard to gain weight because his stomach isn't really ready to take on his feedings so we had to gradually work up to where he is at now. Overall, he has been tolerating his feeds well. Last night they did try to move him to a little over an ounce but it made him a little sick so we are sticking to the ounce of milk for a while. Our goal right now is to get him to at least 4 lbs 6 oz. That's the weight he needs to be in case he needs the other surgery.
As of right now I do not have any new pictures of Ethan. He is back on the ventilator and I just can't bring myself to take a picture of him on the vent. Everyone keeps saying you will want to remember all this but as of right now I just don't see how I will. So hopefully one day real soon he will be off the vent and there will be new pictures of him. He is on the lowest settings of the ventilator but he is so tired and worn out that his vitals go down at times(especially when the nurses mess with him)...so they want to leave him on for a little longer. Like everything else the doctors tell us that this is normal.
Overall, he is doing the same. They take out fluid from his head every other day. His head isn't as full as it was when he was first transferred but there is still enough to worry. We have not been able to hold him in a few days but we sit by him and talk to him, touch his belly, hold his little hand, change his diaper, take his temp and brush his hair (he has lots of it). When he is crying he calms down with his parents touch. It melts my heart. But he is very sensitive with noise and touch(by others, nurses, doctors).
It seems like time is just standing still right now. We just hope and pray that things can start looking up soon. We need that.
Ethan is beautiful! I love you guys!