Thursday, August 12, 2010

Birthday Wishes!

And so my birthday wish has came true...Ethan is off the oxygen! He is breathing completely on his own. The only thing on his face now is his feeding we need to focus on feedings so we can bring our little man home. Here are a couple pictures of him and us :)
Only one person missing...brayden! You can kind of see where the incision from his surgery is

So comfy!

Sleepy Baby


  1. I'm so glad you got your birthday wish! He's such a little trooper. =)
    Happy Birthday, Aimee!

  2. such a cutie! So glad to hear he is off of the oxygen! Happy Birthday! xoxo

  3. happy birthday aimee, ethan looks so wonderful. what a strong lil' boy! ethan and your entire family are in my prayers and yes you are very blessed.


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