Sunday, August 1, 2010

Brayden is a Big Boy!

A couple of weeks before I had Ethan we started to set up Brayden's new room. We decided to skip the toddler bed and go straight to bunkbeds. We figured once once Ethan was old enough the boys would share a room. Brayden was excited that he had a "big boy bed" but when it came to actually sleeping in it...well that was a different story :) So we figured we had about three months till I would have Ethan so we can take our time. Well plans changed!

We are hoping to get Ethan home at the end of this month ::crossing fingers:: so we decided that we needed to get Brayden used to his new room asap! So last Saturday we decided to start off with nap took about 10 min and he ended up taking his nap in his new room! We were excited! He took all his naps last week in his new bed but we kept him in the crib at night just to help make the transition a little better for him. Friday night came and we decided to give nighttime a try. He woke up once in the middle of the night (might be because he has a cold...thank you preschool) but he was in his new bed all night. Same with last night. My little baby is growing up so fast! Next step...POTTY TRAINING.

We are not done decorating his room, we still have to get a comforter for top bunk and a couple things for the walls. Since his theme is "surfing" his uncle Chad is going to make him something for his wall. I am also going to have a little surfboard made with his name on it that will be placed on another wall. Hopefully, I can finish his room soon.

Here are a few pictures :)

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