You are almost a year old...has it really been 9 months since that day? June 15th was a day of mixed emotions...we were scared but so thankful to have you here with us. So much has happened since that day but we are forever grateful for everything it has taught us. We appreciate everything you do...the littlest things you do makes me cry tears of happiness. I feel like I didn't savor all these moments when your brother was your age. I am going to tell you this for the rest of my life but you are the strongest person I know. You are going to have an amazing future...I can feel it!
You love laughing at your brother and being held by him. You love his kisses and his hugs. You love bath time now!
You are eating solids love the fruit and is not a big fan of veggies.
Cause you were in the hospital for alot of your life your body was not the strongest when you came home but you have exceeded every ones expectations. You have been rolling over for a while now but now you are learning to sit up. It takes so much strength to do that...
Your stats are:
Weight: 16 lbs
Height: 26 1/2 inches long
That's a major weight gain from just 3 1/2 pounds 9 months ago. Your are in 6-9 month clothes and do not mind all the little hats I put on you.
I love you big time my little monkey! Thank you for making my life so much better!
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