We have had some problems these past few days when it comes to putting Brayden to bed at night. It usually happens when Ethan is in the hospital. Since we moved Brayden into his "big boy bed" we have been putting the gate up at his door to help keep him inside his room. The gate worked great...until last night. He kissed his daddy good night and him and I went into his room. I read him his books (two dinosaur and a prayer book) and then like always give him a kiss and leave. Well he cried and screamed and that went on for a good 10- 15 min...then it was silent. So I gave it a few more minute and went to check on him and this is what I found. Excuse the HORRIBLE lighting, it was taken from my cell phone.
This is Brayden sleeping outside his room on the other side of the gate. The gate was in tact...it wasn't pushed or anything. My mom asked him today how he ended up sleeping outside his room and he showed us. He climbs over it and even uses the banister to help him get over it. It does not look like a tall gate in the picture but it is. He sure knows how to make me smile!
How funny he gets all the way out and then sleeps there. So cute.